Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Life is fragile.

Usually facebook creeping reduces me to nothing good. Today, however, it has brought me to a place of sorrow, sympathy and gratitude for all I have. We often forget the pure frailness of life. Our lungs move up and down, out hearts beat and we continue on with our daily routine frequently forgetting that we aren't promised another breath, or another pump of our hearts. As I read about the four young girls who tragically died on their commute back to NDSU from their homes, my heart sinks at the loss of their families, their friends, their significant others and all other whose lives they have touched in some capacity. They were in the prime of their lives, the time when living and laughing and being full of life is often taken for granted and never thought twice about. More so, they were traveling a route they probably traveled hundreds of times, yet one moment became the difference between life and death for them.

Unfortunately, I can empathize with their friends. Losing someone you love at such a young age is a tragic, mind-blowing,out of body, unrealistic reality.  It hits you like a ton of bricks and keeps hitting you until you feel numb to the world long enough to heal. And in the horrible days that follow the tragedy you don't know how you will heal, or if you will heal. And in a sense, you never really do heal. You have a scar that is permanent, only this scar is not visual- its a scar deep in the depths of your heart and soul, one that will sting at the goofiest of times, taking your breath away and leaving you to think differently about life in that very moment. 

I didn't know these girls, yet each tragedy involving the death of young leads my heart back to the place of sorrow that I felt so many years ago as I dealt with losing a friend myself. And I often wonder: Do their friends and family have a support system? Will they give themselves time to heal? And can they trust in God to be their solid rock and foundation even when their world is crumbling around them.  I can only hope and pray that a resounding YES is the answer to each of these questions. 

As I read the comments on the walls of these girls, I want to hold my loved ones a little closer, shower them with love and tell them how much they mean to me. I want to give that extra hug, and say that extra "I love you." 

God works in the most mysterious of ways, but God also has a plan. Life is fragile, but life is beautiful. Take the time to see the beauty in this fragile life.

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