Saturday, January 7, 2012


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I only hope such a saying can be remotely true as I journey on my quest to take a picture a day for the entirety of the year. I have found it to be compelling, as I think about what photo might help remind me, a year down the road, exactly what I was doing on that day in history. And although my photos are nowhere close to profound, it has been a fun task to try to express my day in a single snap. Here is just a taste of what I've come up with:

An awesome night of games with my lovely friends.

The traditional Sunday night O' Leary's pizza
Rob and I's newfound love and time-passes
The view from the window of my new job, pre-52 degree day
Something I absolutely cannot live without, and the colored marshmallows only make it better
The days of eating snow.
Miss Kaycee, the newest adorable child in my life
The daily breakfast of the children I nanny for, it's so amazing.

So the quest continues of taking a daily photo. Hopefully they just keep getting better as the year progresses.

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