Monday, January 16, 2012

Love what you do. Do what you love.

What is your DREAM job?

I'm not talking about the job you think it feasible, or possible, or the major you chose that you are trying to talk yourself into believe is going to be wonderful, I'm talking about the job that comes to mind immediately when somebody asks your what you dream job is.

Lately I have been thinking about, pondering on and learning daily about the incredible importance to doing what you love, loving what you do and enjoying life on a daily basis.  We, as Americans, work so many days of our lives that it is not only important, but crucial that we wake up every morning and genuinely look forward to going to work.  I have often heard the quote "If you love what you do, you will not work a single day in your life." I believe that we should make it our goal to be that person. The person who radiates happiness because we love doing what we do every. single. day. Many, many many people get stuck doing something that they don't genuinely love because they wait far too long to make a change, until they feel like they can't.

So what is your "dream job?" And why aren't you doing it? As you are sitting here reading this, what would you love to wake up tomorrow and get paid to do? Whose job do you look to and think "I would love to have that job, if only I could have that job, I should have done something like that."? What are you waiting for?

Happiness is contagious. It's radiating. It spreads like a wildfire. It is healthy to be happy. If you love what you do you will have a healthy, happy family. You will have a happy husband, happy kids, happy friends, and a more complete life.

So what is it? Personally I would love to be a: wedding planner, a photographer, a card designer, and/or a writer. What is your DREAM, and what are you waiting for?

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