Thursday, January 5, 2012

Three Words.

Three words to sum up the 2011 year:
1. Change
2. Hope
3. Anticipation
Change: This year brought so so so much change to my life. Rob finished his thesis and graduated from college, we moved from Bozeman Montana back to Moorhead, I student taught and also graduated college, Rob got a job, and-most recently- I accepted a job of my own. Talk about major life changes, I’d say that the entirety our lives have changed this past year.
Hope: Along with the change came many realizations. Some were hard. Some were painful, difficult, and tear-filled. Others, though, were beautiful. Through growing in my walk with Jesus Christ, and learning more about who I am as a person I was given significant hope about our world, about the people I love, and about my life in general. Hope is a beautiful thing to carry in your heart.
Anticipation: Change and hope brought lots of anticipation this year. Anticipating when and where my life will finally settle down. Anticipating what it would be like to be done with college and “in the real world”. Anticipating all that is to come with the changes that occur in my life. And I suppose that the wordanticipation could really be a bridge word between 2011 and 2012, as I leave a year full of change, and renewed hope, and learning and discovering and growing, I enter the new year full of anticipation for what life will bring in just 366 days.
And when I look back I find it incredible all that God has done, all that I have discovered, and all that has happened this past year.
This year I am going to:
1. Take more daily pictures. Even if they are not profound, or life changing, or monumental moments, I’m going to snap, snap, snap and keep snapping.
2. Make a greater effort to get out my bible more often and just read. Just sit and bask in the greatness and glory that is God, and learn more about who he is. Write to God on a daily basis, and try to align my life more with the biblical teachings.
3. Fall in love with myself. And along these same lines figure out what I’m incredibly passionate about.
Although I have a million things I would love to do in 2012, I know that it is unrealistic to expect to stay true to a list of 20 things, so that’s it.
Happy 2012! :)

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