Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Saying Goodbye.

Some people despise cats, some are indifferent about cats, some tolerate cats, some love cats and some are crazy cat people. I'd say that, prior to owning the coolest cat in the world, I would have fallen somewhere between tolerating them and loving them. That was before Hootie came along.

Hootie was continually doing that to people- moving them up that scale. People who despised cats fell in love with his friendliness, his cuddliness and his way of purring his way into your lap- and heart. Many times, as a family we have talked about how Hootie might think he is a dog himself- begging, coming when you call, waiting at the door with his tail wagging. I've never met another cat quite like him.

Although I wouldn't say I am a crazy cat lady, I'm crazy about this cat. He is a lover. It doesn't matter how many times you pick him up and put him off your lap, he's right back in it purring and looking at you for more petting. Hootie's a constant. He's predictable. You know he'll be waiting outside your shut bedroom door in the morning for some love. You know he'll be at your feet if you're gathered in the kitchen, and on your lap if you're gathered in the living room. He loves to be a part of the family, and a part of the family is exactly what he was.

So it was with extreme sadness in my heart that I left my house this morning and said my final, last goodbye to Hootie. I pet his soft fur, and heard him purr one last time. I held him in my hands and I told him "You're the best they ever come, buddy." and I meant it. I've never met a more personable cat. After 12 years of healthy life, he suddenly stopped eating on Saturday, threw up a couple times on Sunday, and at the vet on Monday they said his kidneys were failing and that he'd have to put down, today he will make his final journey in the car, and he'll live on in our hearts.

Pets become a part of our families. We fall in love with them, and they love us back- unconditionally, whole-heatedly and without fail. They don't let us down. They don't easily anger (at least Hootie didn't, he tolerated absolutely anything), and they excitedly anticipate our arrival, our cuddles and our attention.

I'm trying to keep it all in perspective- I know, afterall, that my family is healthy, my friends are healthy, and there are many, many people in worse off situations then my own. By I can't help brokenheartedly write about the memories of an unconditional best friend.

I love you Hootie. Thanks for being the best animal-friend a person could ever ask for.


  1. Sorry Amber. I know this is a hard day at the Henne house.

  2. You hit the nail on the head. Love the post and you too!
