Friday, May 4, 2012

Miss. Henne

Well, here I am, back in Bozeman Montana. It's beautiful here. I forget just how amazing it really is, until I point my car west and take in all the sites, the beauty of the snow-topped mountains, the green rolling foothills that continue on forever, the quaint downtown life, the bustling people walking, biking, running and enjoying the sun and the views. This town is wonderful. But it's not home. And, I am always torn when coming here about where I really want to be. Could I take all the character of this town, combine it with all the family, friends and jobs of Moorhead, and live in that place?

Tomorrow I will walk across the stage. I will officially become a college graduate. Earlier this week I received my degree in the mail "Amber Anne Henne, Bachelor of Science". It's all becoming official, life is becoming officially official. In one week I accepted a teaching job, received my diploma, and will walk across the stage to commence my life as a college student. It's all so exciting, it happened so fast, and I feel incredibly blessed that everything worked the way it did.

And I'm SO excited to be a third grade teacher. Miss Henne, I love the sound of it. I have been staying up late just thinking and preparing and dreaming about my classroom, students and lessons for next year. It feels so good to actually have a plan for my career future, and I feel so much less anxiety when I think about teaching. Here comes way too much anal organization, color-coding, classroom decor, planning, crafting and creating a wonderful learning environment!

He does have a plan for our lives. I'm seeing prayers answered, plans fall into place, and life taking shape- maybe not all on my time, but on His time, the best time.

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