Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I got to see a really, really good friend last night that I hadn't seen in far too long. We laughed, we chatted, we hugged, we screamed, we talked about our lives, but most importantly we just got to enjoy each others company. Something we hadn't done in a long time- and it was wonderful.

And it got me to thinking. Really great people inspire you to be really great. Being in their presence inspires you to live life a little more happy. To accept your circumstances, and your blessings and your curses and to laugh about them, take them head on, and tell yourself this is my life, my one and only, beautiful and crazy and messed up and wonderful life. This. Is. It.

And what an inspiration it is to be in the presence of someone who makes you feel like you really can take life head on, no matter what circumstances life throws at you. It's really great to have a friend, or multiple friends, who give you that sense- that perspective on life.

And while we're talking about being inspired. How about the Fargo Marathon this weekend. That event is just so wonderful. People of literally all shapes, sizes, ages and backgrounds come out, and they set their minds to doing something, and they do it. And sitting at the finish line watching those peoples' dreams become reality is truly inspiring. How wonderful it is to be a part of something like that. I went to the kids mile run on Thursday night, and there are children, small, young children who are literally giving it everything they have to make it to the finish line- bound and determined to just finish the race. And then Saturday, watching the thousands upon thousands of people who are doing the exact same thing, bound and determined to just finish the race. I love it.

On that note, thank you to everyone who came out to cheer for the runners. Let me tell you, it is YOU who make the differences. It is YOU who tip the scales between finishing the race, and finishing well. It means more than you could really ever understand (until you're on the course running, being inspired by those who are on the sidelines).

Between the race, and some really wonderful people who have given me some really wonderful conversations in the past few days... I have been inspired to "run with perseverance the race marked out for me" literally and metaphorically speaking.

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