Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I can tell that we are going to be friends...

After a week of some quality conversations with friends- I'm reflecting on how blessed I am to have so many wonderful human beings in my life. People who are genuinely friends- kind, caring, loving individuals who have the best interest of others in mind when they make decisions in their lives. Completely unselfish women and men who I am certain would be there at the drop of a hat if I ever needed them. And I am blessed. I leaves me almost speechless to think about how truly lucky I am. Many people in this world don't have a single soul they know they could count on. If something went terribly awry in their lives, if their worlds crumbled from underneath them, and they hit rock bottom- they wouldn't have one single person to turn to, and I am blessed with not one but many.

These kinds of friendships are what keep my world in motion. To me, there is nothing greater, nothing more important than a relationship with another human being- after all, what else will we leave when we leave this earth but the love we have given to others?

On this eve of my birthday- I want to say Thank You, actually, I want to say more than "thank you" because my gratitude is beyond words, to all the people in my life who have blessed me with their love. It truly is the best gift I never asked for, but so graciously received.

I love my life because of the ones in it.

Thanks to social media I have been thinking a lot lately about what makes a friend and the people who are brought into your life.  There are so many people that I feel like I know simply because I am a part of their lives on 1 or 2 or 3 different social media sites. I know what is going on in their lives, I know what they like, I know what they enjoy doing, and how they spend their time, I know their thoughts. And that sounds really creepy, which, I suppose it kind of is- but that's what social media is these days. We let people into our lives on a different level. However, through this feeling I have experienced of relating to people whom I have previously had little insight to their lives, their thoughts and their hobbies, I have felt more and more like I would love to be friends with so many people I barely know.

Call me strange, but that's just the way it is.

Sending lots of love tonight to so many people who have walked a step (or a few million steps) of my life with me.


  1. I remember talking with Rob about you the spring before we went to Rome. He was telling me how cool you are and I just knew I'd love you the moment we met! AND I DID! :) So glad to have you as a friend, and to share in our wonderful memories.

  2. Everything about that makes me so happy! I love you Chris!
